Childcare availability and maternal labour supply in Russia

Publication type

ISER Working Paper Series

Series Number



ISER Working Paper Series


Publication date

November 18, 2019


Over the past 15 years, Russia experienced an increase in childcare enrolment from 55% to 66.2%, reflecting an increase in childcare availability that was rolled out unequally across the Russian regions - the enrolment rate has increased from less than 1% in some regions to almost 35% in other regions. Exploiting a substantial variation in childcare availability across regions over time, this paper uses the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey to evaluate the impact of extending childcare availability on mothers' labour outcomes. I find that an increase in childcare availability has a positive and significant effect on maternal employment both at the intensive and the extensive margins and the effects are higher for partnered mothers. A set of robustness checks confirm the validity of the identification strategy and the results.


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