2018 IF index: how does the wellbeing of today’s twentysomethings compare to previous cohorts?

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Publication date

August 15, 2018


The debate about intergenerational fairness in the UK has mainly focused on economic issues. IF wanted to expand the debate by attempting to measure the overall quality of life of young adults in the UK to see whether it is improving from one generation to the next. To do this we looked at ‘wellbeing’ – the academic concept that human happiness is multi-dimensional and needs to be examined across a whole range of different areas of life. Previous research into people’s wellbeing suggests that five domains of life are particularly crucial to human happiness: Being employed and income (Economic Wellbeing); Having good personal relationships (Relationships Wellbeing); Physical and mental health (Health Wellbeing); Liking where you live (Personal Environment Wellbeing); A sense of belonging to some type of cause or belief (Belonging Wellbeing). IF used data from the British Household Panel Survey and Understanding Society to compare how these domains have changed for three cohorts of young adults aged 20 to 29.




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