Publication type
Understanding Society Working Paper Series
Series Number
Understanding Society Working Paper Series
Publication date
April 27, 2018
This study considers the burden placed on participants, subjectively and objectively, when asked to use a mobile app to scan shopping receipts. Using data from both the Understanding Society Spending Study, and the ninth wave of the Understanding Society Innovation Panel allow measures of burden and related characteristics to be identified. Subjective and objective burden were found to be seemingly unrelated to one another. There is evidence of older respondents facing greater objective burden, however there was some evidence that this did not correspond to an increase in the levels of subjective burden reported. Reported willingness to participate in a task of a similar nature proved to be indicative of both objective and subjective burden.
PLEASE CITE AS: Read, B. (2019) ‘Respondent burden in a mobile app: evidence from a shopping receipt scanning study', Survey Research Methods, 13(1):45-71.
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