Moving Understanding Society to mixed mode: effects on response and attrition

Publication type

Conference Paper


Understanding Society Scientific Conference 2017, 11-13 July 2017, University of Essex, Colchester, UK


Publication date

July 13, 2017


At wave 8 of Understanding Society (2016), when large-scale mixed-mode interviewing including web was introduced for the first time, a number of strategies were used to boost response. This paper will describe the strategies used and the relative success of these (so far, an initial household web response rate of 18% has been increased to around 40% by varying incentive and reminder strategies and fieldwork length). The paper will also look at the overall effects of the move to web on response rate (and therefore attrition) as well as whether there are particular groups for whom the move to web has increased or decreased response, with a focus on groups that have tended to have higher levels of attrition on the face to face waves of the study. We will also use early response data from wave 9 of the study (which started in January 2017) to present initial findings on whether the mode of response at one wave appears to affect participation at the following wave.





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