Publication type
Parliamentary Paper
Publication date
January 15, 2017
This report draws together statistics and research on sexual orientation from a range of sources and presents these in a single bulletin, providing user-friendly infographics and commentary. It examines the differences between heterosexual adults in Scotland and those who self-identify their sexual orientation as lesbian, gay, bisexual or other in major household surveys. Some of the key findings were that lesbian, gay, bisexual or other (LGBO) adults, compared to heterosexual adults, were more likely to: be younger; be single; live in large urban areas; live in deprived areas; report bad general health; smoke; be unemployed; have a degree. It also shows that attitudes towards lesbian, gay and bisexual people in Scotland have become more positive over the past decade. There has been a decline in the proportion saying that ‘sexual relations between two adults of the same sex’ are ‘wrong’, and an increase in the proportion saying they are ‘not wrong at all’. However despite increased acceptance of LGB people, some research findings show that this group continues to face discrimination. This report provides a summary of key information and links to more detailed statistics and reports.
Refers to: Uhrig, S.C.N., 2015. Sexual orientation and poverty in the UK: A review and top-line findings from the UK Household Longitudinal Survey. Journal of Research in Gender Studies: 5(1): 23-72.
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Sexual orientation and poverty in the UK: a review and top-line findings from the UK Household Longitudinal Study
S.C. Noah Uhrig,Journal Article - 20150601