Publication type
Publication date
February 15, 2016
A new report using the newly updated and released version of EUROMOD provides a country-by-country analysis of how household incomes changed due to tax-benefit policies in the periods 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015.
The analysis captures the effect of reforms and of changes (or lack of them) to benefit levels and tax thresholds relative to what would have happened if the whole system had simply been indexed for inflation. It shows the effects across the household income distribution and by type of policy.
This is the first publication of its kind and it will become an annual report alongside each EUROMOD release.
This report provides a short country-by-country harmonised analysis, using EUROMOD, of the distributional effects on household disposable income of direct tax and cash benefit and pension policy changes between 2013 and 2014 and (for most countries) between 2014 and 2015. The report shows how changes (or non-changes) to tax-benefit policies have affected household incomes in the two periods, abstracting from changes in the population characteristics (e.g. increased unemployment) and the distribution of market/original gross incomes in those periods. The tax-benefit policies in a given year refer to those that applied on 30th of June.
The updated version of EUROMOD, which for the first time covers all 28 EU countries includes: tax-benefit policies up to 2014 and, for 22 countries, up to 2015; input data from 2012 SILC for all countries; revisions to older datasets (since public release G1.0); a new Policy Effects Tool and changes to the model needed to accommodate it.