Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
March 15, 2015
The two most prominent measures of material poverty within contemporary European poverty analysis are low income and material deprivation. However, it is by now well-known that these measures identify substantially different people as being poor. In this research note, I seek to demonstrate that there are at least three ways to understand the mismatch between low income and material deprivation, relating to three different forms of identification: identifying poor households, identifying groups at risk of poverty and identifying trends in material poverty over time. Drawing on data from the British Household Panel Survey, I show that while low income and material deprivation identify very different households as being poor, and display distinct trends over time, in many cases they identify the same groups at being at risk of material poverty.
Published in
British Journal of Sociology
Volume and page numbers
Volume: 66 , p.163 -172
Albert Sloman Library Periodicals *restricted to Univ. Essex registered users*