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Publication date
March 15, 2015
Ethnic minority groups in Britain are more likely than the majority group to work for less than the living wage. This publication examines why this is the case. It uses two large-scale datasets to analyse what types of job ethnic minority groups tend to do. It then calculates the minority–majority wage gaps associated with particular occupations.
Is used as basis for ISER written evidence in: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Women and Equalities Commission (2016) ‘Employment opportunities for Muslims in the UK. Second report of session 2016–17. Report, together with formal minutes relating to the report. Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 12 July 2016’. London: TSO.
Referenced by: Understanding Society (2018) ‘Written evidence from Understanding Society the UK Household Longitudinal Study (WSN0051) [Work and Pensions Select Committee. Welfare safety net inquiry]’. London: Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Work and Pensions Select Committee.