Publication type
Series Number
Contributions to Economic Analysis
Publication date
June 1, 2014
Microsimulation Modelling involves the application of simulation methods
to micro data for the purposes of evaluating the effectiveness and
improving the design of public policy. The field has existed for over 50
years and has been applied to many different policy areas and is a
methodology that is applied within both government and academia. This
handbook brings together leading authors in the field to describe and
discuss the main current issues within the field. The handbook provides
an overview of current developments across each of the sub-fields of
microsimulation modelling such as tax-benefit, pensions, spatial,
health, labour, consumption, transport and land use policy as well as
macro-micro, environmental and demographic issues. It focuses also on
the modelling different micro units such as households, firms and farms.
Each chapter discusses its sub-field under the following headings: the
main methodologies of the sub-field; survey the literature in the area;
critique the literature; and propose future directions for research
within the sub-field.