Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
October 15, 2014
looking into neighbourhood satisfaction including prevalence, risk
correlates, and impacts are very scarce. Therefore, it was aimed to
provide recent evidence on prevalence and psychiatric correlates of
neighbourhood satisfaction and its impact on individual behaviours and
life aspects in adolescents in a national and population-based setting.MethodData
were retrieved and analysed in the UK Longitudinal Household Survey in
2011–2012. Information on demographics, lifestyle factors, urbanisation
level, and behavioural and emotional development was obtained by
household interview. Analyses included descriptive statistics,
chi-square test and usual and multi-level logistic regression modelling.ResultsOf 491 (11.2%) out of 4427 adolescents were dissatisfied with their neighbourhoods and 6.8% (n=297)
were classified as having abnormal psychiatric state. Smoking status
(both current and past) and alcohol status (both current and past) were
associated with neighbourhood dissatisfaction but not sex, urbanisation
level or country of residence. Compared to people who were classified as
normal, others with borderline or abnormal mental state tended to
express dissatisfaction toward their current neighbourhoods. In
addition, these people reported more “troublesome” individual behaviours
for about 18 types out of 24 types in total and had poor perception
toward life in many aspects including family, friends, school, and even
personal appearance.ConclusionOne
in five adolescents were dissatisfied with their current neighbourhoods
leading to worrying individual behaviours and negative impacts on life.
Neighbourhood renewal strategy or place-making to facilitate
self-efficacy could be considered as priority to be integrated into
future public health programs and/or put onto public health policy
Published in
Environmental Research
Volume and page numbers
Volume: 134 , p.390 -395
Not held in Research Library - bibliographic reference only