Publication type
ISER Working Paper Series
Series Number
ISER Working Paper Series
Publication date
April 14, 2014
To survey the general population, survey agencies often use sampling frames of landline numbers. However, these frames may exclude a relevant share of the target population. In 2012, 50% of Italian adults are excluded from the sampling frame, as they are unlisted (UN) or do not own a landline telephone (NT). Using a unique national survey with full-coverage of the Italian population, our study describes the changes in the composition of landline telephone coverage over time and investigates differences in demographic and socio-economic characteristics between (i) respondents included in and excluded from the sampling frame and (ii) NT and UN respondents. It also explores whether these differences lead to under-coverage bias and evaluates the impact of current post-adjustment strategies on the total under-coverage bias as well as on its two components separately.
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