Digital inclusion evidence review

Publication type



Age UK Evidence Reviews


Publication date

June 1, 2013


This review covers only the aspects of digital inclusion connected with internet use, and the term "digital exclusion" refers throughout only to those not using the internet. The research quoted has been selected from a wide-ranging review of the evidence sources, but only those results which the authors consider generally reliable and timely enough to use. Some findings which were interesting have been excluded due to low statistical significance.
The topic of digital inclusion is a fast-changing one on which there is a lot of opinion and information available, but where the robust research evidence is scarce and hard to access. More specifically, evidence on the digital inclusion landscape in the UK is subject to rapid change, and statistics can quickly become meaningless. Likewise, the characteristics of the digitally excluded is likely to be changing in its composition as the less resistant are starting to the use the internet, probably leaving the more impervious or unable.
Owing to the links to other forms of exclusion such as social and financial exclusion (see section 3 below), understanding and addressing digital exclusion is relevant to key areas of Age UK activity and the Charity’s strategic goals.





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