Publication type
Understanding Population Trends and Processes
Publication date
June 1, 2013
This book is a practical guide on how to design, create and validate a
spatial microsimulation model. These models are becoming more popular as
academics and policy makers recognise the value of place in research
and policy making. Recent spatial microsimulation models have been used
to analyse health and social disadvantage for small areas; and to look
at the effect of policy change for small areas. This provides a powerful
analysis tool for researchers and policy makers. This book covers
preparing the data for spatial microsimulation; a number of methods for
both static and dynamic spatial microsimulation models; validation of
the models to ensure the outputs are reasonable; and the future of
spatial microsimulation. The book will be an essential handbook for any
researcher or policy maker looking to design and create a spatial
microsimulation model. This book will also be useful to those policy
makers who are commissioning a spatial microsimulation model, or looking
to commission work using a spatial microsimulation model, as it
provides information on the different methods in a non-technical way.
Volume: 6
Not held in Res Lib - bibliographic reference only