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Publication date
December 15, 2011
A major research report looking at the savings decisions of over 25,000 UK workers, and the factors that influence participation in pension saving.
The research was undertaken in partnership with the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex.
Made possible by the support of Prudential, "Who Saves for Retirement?" represents one of the most comprehensive studies of the factors determining participation in pension saving ever undertaken.
The study uses data from the first wave of the Wealth and Assets Survey to explore the prevalence of pension saving across the population, and the precise influence of individual, household and employer characteristics on participation in pension saving.
The research examines the prevalence of occupational and personal pension saving across the population, and the differing behaviour of men and women.
Other themes explored in the study include how individuals expect to fund their retirement, the influence of financial commitments on pension saving, and the role of employers.