Publication type
Research Paper
Technical Report
Publication date
June 1, 2003
The number of people attending and presenting work at the annual conferences of the International Association of Time Use Research has steadily expanded in the last few years. The meeting in Lisbon in 2002 accommodated more people than have attended any previous IATUR event. This growing interest has required changes to the format of the IATUR meetings. This poster reports the results of a survey sent to IATUR members and people on the IATUR contact list in February 2003. People who attended the Lisbon conference received two questionnaires, one on that conference and a more general questionnaire. People who did not attend the Lisbon meeting only received the general questionnaire. 126 people returned the general questionnaire, and 67 people returned the Lisbon conference questionnaire, amounting to a 60% response rate for the Lisbon questionnaire and a 50% response rate for the general questionnaire. 79.1% of people attending the Lisbon conference identified time use as the key or a main focus of their research. The questionnaires overwhelmingly indicated the importance members of the time use community place on personal contact with colleagues from around the world. Respondents also expressed a strong desire to maintain the open and welcoming atmosphere which has traditionally characterised IATUR conferences.
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