Publication type
Conference Paper
International Association for Time-Use Research Conference
Publication date
October 16, 2002
This poster presentation displays the current activities of the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS). The MTUS has harmonised data collected in more than 30 countries from the 1960s through the year 2000 into a single harmonised aggregated activity file. More studies have been added to the MTUS, and the programmes converting the original studies into MTUS format have been improved. Two data files are now available, one covering basic demographic variables and 40 time use activity variables that is restricted to the age range 20-64, and a second covering the same variables and including all people covered in the original surveys (including those who are younger than 20 and older than 64). The posters show the new look of the MTUS web site, discuss how data use issues have been resolved, and outline future plans for the study.