The Blackwell companion to the economics of housing: the housing wealth of nations

Publication type


Series Number



Blackwell Companions to Contemporary Economics


Publication date

June 1, 2010


'The Blackwell Companion to the Economics of Housing' will help students and professionals alike to explore key elements of the housing economy: home prices, housing wealth, mortgage debt, and financial risk. The book features 24 original essays, including an editorial introduction and three section overviews, and includes 39 world-class authors from a mix of educational and financial organizations in the UK, Europe, Australia, and North America. It features broadly-based, scholarly, and accessible, serving students and professionals who wish to understand how today's housing economy works; and profiles the role and relevance of housing wealth, the mismanagement of mortgage debt, and the pitfalls and potential of hedging housing risk. Key topics include: the housing price bubble and crash; the subprime mortgage crisis in the US and its aftermath; the links between housing wealth, the macroeconomy, and the welfare of home-occupiers; and the mitigation of credit and housing investment risks. Specific case studies help to illustrate concepts, along with new data sets and analyses to illustrate empirical points.



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