Publication type
Research Paper
Series Number
University of Oxford: Department of Sociology Working Paper Series
Publication date
June 1, 2008
In this paper, I analyse recent survey data on the exchange of practical support and assistance between adult children and their non-coresident parents. Using latent class analysis, three types of exchange relationship are identified: (1) those who rarely exchange assistance with their parents (low-level exchangers), (2) those who regularly exchange assistance with their parents (high-level exchangers), and (3) those who give support to their parents (givers). Since low-level exchangers account for three fifths of the sample, the overall level of intergenerational exchange in contemporary UK is much lower than that reported in previous studies. However, the association between latent class membership and standard covariates are broadly consistent with previous research. Finally, members of all three latent classes report broadly similar level of subjective well-being and received similar level of social support. This suggests that low-level exchangers and givers are able to find substitutes from other types of personal relationships for practical support.
working paper
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