Publication type
Thesis/Degree/Other Honours
Publication date
June 1, 2008
This thesis aims to contribute to the literature with an attempt to identify the causal effects of health on labour market outcomes in the working-age population. I analyse the effects of the onset of a health shock on the individuals’ labour market outcomes, and also the effects of caregiving on female labour participation. The first chapter uses a homogeneous empirical framework to estimate the first set of effects on nine European countries, which allows me to relate the empirical estimates to differences in social security arrangements across these countries. The second chapter analyses the role of health in exits out of and entries into employment and the results show that general health affects symmetrically entries into and exits out of employment, but changes in mental health status influence only the hazard of non-employment for the stock sample of workers. The third chapter examines the effects of various types of informal care on female labour behaviour and the results suggest the existence of labour opportunity costs for those women who live with the dependent person they care for, and the negative effects appear when caregiving for more than a year.