Publication type
Thesis/Degree/Other Honours
Publication date
June 1, 2009
The first chapter of this thesis explores the way parents bring up their children as a possible transmission mechanism of socio-economic status. It studies the role of parenting style on educational outcomes directly, and on the development of the children's noncognitive skills. It also examines the role of noncognitive skills on children's educational attainment, something that has been overlooked by economists.
The results show that a negative attitude towards learning (the noncognitive skill studied) lowers significantly the propensity to achieve higher qualifications. Regarding the parenting style, the results suggest that parents push their children to achieve high qualifications in two different ways. First, by making children internalize that studying is part of their obligations, influencing their attitude towards learning; and second, by helping them achieving those pre-established goals by exerting an authoritative parenting style.