Publication type
Publication date
November 1, 2002
In November 1999 a research team, led by the Universities of Newcastle and Leeds, was commissioned by the then DETR to produce an initial model of population migration within England. The aim was to investigate the impacts of alternative economic and policy scenarios on population flows between the English regions, and to provide some advice about urban/rural shift. The model should also be capable of further enhancement, especially application to finer spatial scale.
This was an ambitious project, the first time that such a model had been developed in the UK. Therefore the DETR accepted the need for pragmatism, notably in relation to data availability and feedback effects. Moreover, the main emphasis in this initial contract (Phase I) was on developing the modelling framework and providing illustrative results, with more rigorous testing to be undertaken in a subsequent phase of work (Phase II). The final report of the Phase I model was delivered to the DETR in December 2000, and is summarised in sections 2/6. The results of three additional modules of related work are reported in section 7.