Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
June 1, 2008
There is an abundance of evidence supporting a cross-sectional association between poor housing and poor health, but relatively few studies have examined the relationship between housing and health over time. Using contemporary longitudinal data from seven yearly waves (1996-2002) of the British Household Panel Survey, summary statistics and multivariate first-differences regression models, this study provides robust evidence of a dynamic relationship between housing conditions and health. Worsening housing conditions, measured in three domains, are independently associated with deterioration in health, especially the number of reported health problems in women. These findings add to the longitudinal evidence of the effect of housing conditions. It is concluded that improvements in housing conditions produce health benefits and the findings are important for proposed housing interventions to maximise health benefits and prioritise areas of housing investment.
Published in
Housing Studies
Volume and page numbers
Volume: 23 (5):679-695 , p.679 -696
Albert Sloman Library Periodicals *restricted to Univ. Essex registered users*
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