Part-time work as a transitional phase? The role of preferences and institutions in Germany, Great Britain and The Netherlands.

Publication type

Research Paper

Series Number



MPRA Papers


Publication date

April 1, 2008


This paper uses 11 years of data from household panel data sets for the Netherlands, Germany and Great-Britain to investigate part-time employment and the role of institutions and preferences on transitions from part-time into full-time employment or into other employment statuses. The behavioural choice model distinguishes four labour market states: short hours part-time employment, long hours part-time employment, full-time employment and nonparticipation. This dynamic model is estimated with a multinomial logit model. Results from the estimates are interpreted against the background of the institutional differences between the three countries. In particular we look at the role of stated preferences on the number of working hours on the transition patterns of individual workers. Results indicate that both the Netherlands and Great-Britain as welfare states are more capable of facilitating workers to end up in their preferred hours bracket than Germany is.






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