Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
June 1, 2008
The focus of this study is to distinguish the different paths seniority earning profiles follow depending on whether the individual is employed in a workplace where trade unions and collective bargaining are present, or not. Within this framework, two propositions are set. In the union sector seniority should be an important determinant of wages, while in the non-union sector productivity, proxied by occupational experience, should have a key role on earning profiles. The empirical analysis verifies both propositions. Seniority earning profiles appear to be steeper in the union sector, while occupational expertise is estimated to have a more significant role in non-union jobs.
Published in
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Volume: 70 (3):327-345
Originally 'Online Early' Jan.2008
Albert Sloman Library Periodicals *restricted to Univ. Essex registered users*