Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
June 1, 2007
This paper assesses the record on job quality during the early term of office of the New Labour government by interpreting, from a political economy perspective, changes in a variety of subjective measures of job quality taken from several different data sources. We find some improvements in job quality over the period 1998-2004; however we argue that these improvements have arisen not because of New Labour’s policies towards the workplace but because of low and falling rates of unemployment. Despite recent improvements, a large number of workers in Britain remain in low quality jobs and, without a radical change of policy direction, sustained and substantial progress in the quality of work will remain elusive.
Published in
Cambridge Journal of Economics
Volume: 31 (6):941-971
Originally [Advance Access], Oct.2007
Albert Sloman Library Periodicals *restricted to Univ. Essex registered users*