An economic analysis of nurses’ earnings in Great Britain -PhD Thesis-

Publication type

Thesis/Degree/Other Honours


Publication date

June 1, 2002


In this thesis we examine the earnings of nurses in Great Britain. There are two general aims: to delineate the factors that affect nurses' earnings; and, to examine the nature and magnitude of wage differentials between nurses and other workers. The characteristics of the labour market in which nurses work are first described in detail and the process by which nurses' pay is determined is also discussed. We then provide a thorough and wide-ranging analysis of nurses' earnings. We calculate the private internal rate of return and private net present value to becoming a nurse. The calculations are made using the standard equations inputted with data from the New Earnings Survey and the British Household Panel Survey. The outcome is that on financial grounds in terms of relative earnings there is a rationale for choosing to be employed as a nurse. We also conduct an earnings function analysis. The determinants of wages for nurses and other workers are analysed using a novel 'double selectivity' model as well as the more common single selectivity approach. We also examine the nature and magnitude of the nurse/non-nurse wage differential. Utilising data from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey we find that nurses receive higher mean hourly wages than other workers. This difference is due partly to their superior individual and productive characteristics. We also find however that after controlling for these characteristics and selection bias the returns to endowments are also on average higher for nurses than other workers. The main finding of the thesis is that there are financial returns to being employed as nurse in Great Britain. We discuss some policy implications of the analysis in terms of the bargaining strategy of the Staff Side and the Management Side in pay negotiations. We then discuss some suggestions for reducing the current nursing shortage.



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