Publication type
Research Paper
Series Number
Department for Work and Pensions Research Reports
Publication date
June 1, 2005
This report presents findings from research into the aspirations and decisions about work and retirement of people who look after disabled or sick relatives, friends or older people. The study was undertaken by the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York.
The study was made up of three related elements: a literature review to identify existing British evidence about matters related to carers' employment and retirement; in-depth interviews with carers with substantial caring responsibilities; focus groups with front-line professionals from Jobcentre Plus, social services departments and carers' organisations who provided carers with advice or support.
The report presents the evidence from the literature review about the relationships between carers and the labour market, including the decisions that carers make about caring, paid work and retirement. It also draws on the qualitative research to an analysis of the factors that influenced carers' thinking and decisions about these important aspects of their lives. It also considers the effectiveness of available support from statutory and voluntary services to help carers find, or return, to work.