Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
June 1, 2005
This paper is an attempt to translate empirically some of the categorizations of human development reviewed by Alkire (2002). It compares the estimates of human development obtained on the basis of Sen’s (1985) capability approach, Narayan et al.’s (2000) dimensions of well-being, Cummins (1996) domains of life satisfaction and Allardt’s (1993) comparative Scandinavian welfare study. To obtain these estimates of human development use is made of techniques developed in efficiency analysis, an approach rarely applied to the study of consumption and standards of living (see, however, Lovell et al., 1994). Our database is the British Household Panel Survey. Our findings vindicate the multidimensional approach to human development but show a great empirical resemblance between the four conceptual approaches to well-being.
Published in
Review of Income and Wealth
Volume: 51 (2):285-309
Albert Sloman Library Periodicals *restricted to Univ. Essex registered users*