Publication type
Research Paper
Series Number
Working Papers of the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change
Publication date
September 1, 1999
The paper examines gender differences in intra-firm and inter-firm job changes, including worker-initiated and firm-initiated separations, for white full-time British workers over the period 1991-96. We document four main findings. First, job mobility is high for both men and women, with more than one quarter of the sample changing job each year. Second, the distinction between promotions, quits and layoffs is important, suggesting that studies that either aggregate worker-initiated and firm-initiated separations or neglect within-firm mobility may provide an inappropriate picture of career mobility. Third, we find that the average male and female quit and promotion probabilities are remarkably similar, but there are significant gender differences in layoff probabilities. Fourth, we find significant gender differences in the impact of variables such as union coverage, occupation and presence of young children.
Series continued as 'ISER Working Papers' first edition 2000-1
working paper