Written evidence submitted by Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study (Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex) (ATR0040) [House of Commons Transport Select Committee on Active Travel]

Publication type

Parliamentary Paper


Publication date

October 22, 2018



- http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/transport-committee/active-travel/written/91469.pdf
- http://data.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/committeeevidence.svc/evidencedocument/transport-committee/active-travel/written/91469.pdf
- https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/transport-committee/inquiries/parliament-2017/active-travel-17-19/publications/


References: (1) Chatterjee, K., Clark, B., Martin, A., and Davis, A. (2017) ‘The Commuting and Wellbeing study: understanding the impact of commuting on people's lives’. Bristol: UWE Bristol. ; (2) Chng, S., White, M., Abraham, C., and Skippon, S. (2016) ‘Commuting and wellbeing in London: the roles of commute mode and local public transport connectivity’, Preventive Medicine, 88:182-188. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.04.014 ; (3) Clark, B., Chatterjee, K., and Melia, S. (2016) ‘Changes to commute mode: the role of life events, spatial context and environmental attitude’, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 89:89-105. doi: 10.1016/j.tra.2016.05.005 ; (4) Flint, E., Cummins, S., and Sacker, A. (2014) ‘Associations between active commuting, body fat, and body mass index: population based, cross sectional study in the United Kingdom’, BMJ, 349:g4887. doi: 10.1136/bmj.g4887

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