Working Conditions and Time Use

Publication type

Journal Article


Publication date

December 6, 2005


What we do when we get home is influenced by what we do at work. In this article I analyse the relationship between market work and domestic activities from the perspectives of economic theories of time use, i.e. the work-leisure model (compares income work versus other activities) and the household production model (compares income work and household work), and sociological theory treating the issue of how leisure activities compensate for work strains. The empirical analysis of time use is based on the Norwegian time-use survey from 2000-2001. Estimates on working conditions are based on the Norwegian level of living surveys from 1996 and 2000 for 100 occupations found in both surveys. The analyses indicate that both physical strains and low autonomy at the place of employment lead to an allocation of time away from paid work towards unpaid work and leisure, but with considerable differences for men and women. The findings indicate that working conditions are part of the trade-off between paid and unpaid work, and that leisure activities may compensate for human needs being neglected in the workplace.

Published in

Acta Sociologica

Volume and page numbers

Volume: 48 , p.308 -320






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