Modelling the socio-economic impacts of major job loss or gain at the local level: a spatial microsimulation framework

Publication type

Journal Article


Publication date

June 1, 2006


It has long been argued that spatial microsimulation models can be used to estimate the impact of major changes in the local labour market through job losses or gains, including local multiplier effects. In a previous paper we have used SimLeeds , which is a spatial microsimulation model for the Leeds local labour market, in order to estimate the initial employment and income effect of a hypothetical closure of an engineering plant on different surrounding localities. This paper builds on that work and presents an extension of SimLeeds in order to provide estimates for the multiplier effects of such major changes in a local economy. In particular, we focus on the spatial distribution of the multiplier effects such as the event changes that are triggered by initial job and income effects. The disposable income gain or loss for each individual or household eventually leads to the increase/decrease of consumption of goods and services and to possible changes of the preferred retail location etc. (i.e. moving to more/less expensive stores). There are also net monetary losses for the government from the increase/decrease of income tax revenue and from the decrease/increase of the benefit claims from the households affected. In addition, the initial income and employment impacts would have second- and third-round multiplier effects, which could include the openings/closures of local convenience grocery stores as a result of the rise/fall of local demand for their goods. These closures in turn would generate further job creation or loss, which would have further multiplier effects at different localities within the city. This paper addresses all these multiplier effects in a spatial microsimulation context and provides a new framework for multiplier-effect micro-spatial analysis.

Published in

Spatial Economic Analysis


Volume: 1 (1):127-146




Albert Sloman Library Periodicals *restricted to Univ. Essex registered users*



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