Living in the advice gap: an investigation into the Resolution Foundation’s target group: report prepared for the Resolution Foundation by the Alliance for Health and the Future

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Publication date

June 1, 2006


This report details the results of research into the social and economic profile of the ‘target group’ of the Resolution Foundation. These individuals are largely independent of state support, but are not a profitablegroup for the financial services industry to provide independent financial advice to. They find themselves in an ‘advice-gap’: excluded from advice provided by the financial services industry, but unable to access state support available for those on very low incomes who are dependent on state benefits. This report provides an initial analysis of the ‘target group’ of the Resolution Foundation. In future research, we willbe using original qualitative research, and quantitative analysis of a large scale survey of financial capability, to better understand how the target group makes financial decisions, and the financial products and services it uses.






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