The value of mixed-method longitudinal panel studies in ICT research: transitions in and out of ‘ICT poverty’ as a case in point

Publication type

Journal Article


Publication date

June 1, 2005


This paper uses a unique British three-wave longitudinal dataset to examine the rates of transitions into and out of ‘ICT poverty’ defined as having Internet access in the household and/or having a mobile phone. This serves three purposes: it shows that many are still ‘passing by’ ICT ownership, that ‘gaining ICT’ access is not a one-way street - many just pass through; and that the rates of dropping out differ for different ICTs and for different groups of people. This has implications for both commercial and public policy strategy. It also shows the value of longitudinal approaches to data collection without which this kind of analysis would be impossible.

Published in

Information Communication & Society

Volume and page numbers

Volume: 8(3): 343-367 , p.343 -367



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