UKMOD case study: implementing a basic income
This Basic Income (BI) Case Study provides some concrete illustrations of the ways in which tax-benefit microsimulation modelling can be used to understand the effects and implications of complex reforms.
The Case Study illustrates how to turn the ‘concept’ into a practical scheme with emphasis on the full range of modelling choices to be made. How to make corresponding changes in UKMOD is illustrated, as is the use of the EUROMOD software’s built-in analysis tools to estimate the effects of these changes. Thus, model users are provided with the tools and detailed instructions needed to experiment and build their own version of a BI (or related scheme) and to evaluate its costs and benefits.
The Case Study has produced a user guide in mid-2020 and a related workshop held in early 2021.
Start date
01 Oct 2018
End date
30 Sep 2021