Overlapping crises: (Re)shaping the future of regional labour markets (OVERLAP)
The research project has two principal aims. The first objective is to create a detailed and comprehensive overview of the demographic dynamics that characterise regional labour markets at the NUTS-3 level, focusing on the medium-to-long-term perspectives (2030 to 2040), together with their implications. While some territories will experience significant shifts in their demographic structures, others will continue on a stable growth trajectory. The second aim is to examine the foremost trends and potential impacts of various EU policies or shocks on the future of regional labour markets, including demographic change as well as the twin transition (green and digital). To this end, the study models their development within different scenarios based. The study covers all Member States of the EU and partner states participating in the ESPON 2030 Cooperation Programme.
Team members
Centre for Microsimulation and Policy Analysis
Prof Matteo Richiardi
Dr Daria Popova
Dr Patryk Bronka

Start date
31 Aug 2023
End date
31 Jul 2024