Food environments, health behaviours and outcomes
There is existing literature that shows cross-sectional associations between measures of the food environment and adults and children’s health outcomes, but these are likely to be confounded by unobserved differences between neighbourhoods that cannot adequately be captured by observed individual and neighbourhood characteristics. We will use current and historical data on the locations of establishments registered with the Food Standards Agency, combined with panel or repeated-cross-section data on health behaviours in outcomes, to help address biases caused by permanent unobserved differences between neighbourhoods. The project will also help demonstrate the benefits for education and public health systems, of making individual-level data available to researchers.
This project includes analysis of individual-level National Child Measurement Programme data from Hertfordshire. The research will help Hertfordshire County Council to make informed strategic planning or regulation decisions that affect local food environments.
Impact of changes in local food environments on child bodyweights in Hertfordshire – Privacy Notice
Another important difference in food environments is over time, between school holidays and term times. We also propose to study the impacts of school holidays on health behaviours and outcomes, and are undertaking preliminary research to see whether important differences are observed in physical activity levels between these time periods. This project includes analysis of individual-level data from the Activity Check-in dataset collected by Sport England.
School holidays and children’s health (Sport England data) – Privacy Notice
We will add more information on other data sources and health outcomes and behaviours as we begin research.
Team members
Dr Angus Holford
Senior Research Fellow - ISER, University of Essex
Professor Birgitta Rabe
Professor - ISER, University of Essex
Hettie Burn
Research Student - ISER, University of Essex
Start date
01 Oct 2024
End date
31 Mar 2026
NIHR ARC East of England