Developing a longitudinal study of indebtedness
The Money Advice Service (MAS) has a statutory responsibility for co-ordinating the provision of debt advice throughout the UK. MAS provides direct and indirect grant-funding to advice organisations across the UK. To better understand the context in which MAS operates and the impact of debt advice, MAS plans to set up a longitudinal survey which will chart people’s experience of debt and utilisation of debt advice. The survey will incorporate an experiment in which a random sub-sample of people in debt are encouraged to seek advice. The experiment will provide a stronger basis for estimating the direct impacts of advice. MAS have commissioned a development study which will involve designing and testing the survey protocols and the experimental protocols and estimating key survey design parameters. ISER’s Professor Peter Lynn is methodological advisor to the development study.
The aim of the development study is to identify and test the design of the longitudinal survey, to the point that it can be specified and put out to tender.
Start date
31 Aug 2016
End date
28 Mar 2018
Money Advice Service