ISER’s Centre for Microsimulation and Policy Analysis (CeMPA) had its first Annual General Assembly on 12 May 2021.
The event offered an opportunity to reflect on the first year of activity of the new Centre, with more than 20 active projects, 10 national and international events organised and 38 new Working Papers produced.
Matteo Richiardi, CeMPA Director, commented: “It is a great challenge but also an immense pleasure to contribute to establish CeMPA as a world leading centre for microsimulation analysis in the social sciences. We are unique in our characteristics, with a fantastic success story of model development, from EUROMOD – the EU tax-benefit model – to UKMOD – the only free tax-benefit model for the UK and its devolved nations – to JAS-mine, our innovative platform for agent-based and dynamic microsimulation modelling. Using this tools we are best placed to research the evolving nature and the future of the Welfare State, in UK and abroad, at a time of great societal challenges.
The General Assembly was also an opportunity to showcase some of the research done at the Centre, with a presentation by Xavier Jara on “Tax-benefit systems, informal employment and inequality in Latin America”, introduced by Pia Rattenhuber from UNU-Wider, and a presentation by Matteo Richiardi and Patryk Bronka on “LABsim: An integrated environment for life course analysis”.
Read Taking the Global View, celebrating microsimulation from around the world.