MiSoC researcher Dr Renee Luthra will present her new study “Threatened even within the bubble?: EU university staff and Brexit” at the Centre for Migration Studies (CMS)’ annual academic workshop and launch event on Wednesday 26 September.
The event is sponsored by the Eastern Academic Research Consortium and the University of Essex and will address the changing composition and dynamics of migration, refugee flows, and integration in the UK, and to discuss the human face of Brexit for immigrants in the UK as well as British emigrants abroad.
The day will consist of three thematic panels focusing on the migration-integration nexus from different angles at the dawn of Brexit. The workshop will provide the space for participants to exchange views on contemporary challenges on migration before, during, and after the Brexit referendum.
The CMS will then host a reception and art exhibit focusing on the lives of asylum seekers, with a welcome address by Professor Christine Raines, PVC Research at the University of Essex.
Click here for the programme and to register