Registration is now open and the full programme published for the 2017 Understanding Society Scientific Conference at the University of Essex, 11-13th July. The Conference provides an international forum for the exchange of research based on longitudinal household panel studies. The Scientific Conference will include plenary speakers, parallel presentation topics, prizes, training workshops, drop-in sessions and data user consultations.
Keynote speakers will be Professor Sir Richard Blundell (University College London), Professor Hilary Graham (University of York),
Dr Heather Wardle and Professor Lucinda Platt (The London School of Economics and Political Science).
Parallel sessions
Tuesday 11th July
- Geographically linked data
- Family relationships
- Divorce, health and wealth
- Poverty dynamics
- Impact workshop – engaging with the media
- Employment
- Politics
- Methods and survey design
- Income dynamics
- Family dynamics using harmonised cross-national data
Wednesday 12th July
- BHPS-Understanding Society harmonisation
- Genetic markers as instrumental variables
- Gender and employment
- Ethnic diversity in the UK (part 1)
- Wellbeing and income
- Household Finances (part 1)
- Features of Understanding Society
- Ethnic diversity in the UK (part 2)
- CNEF workshop – introduction
- Health
- Household Finances (part 2)
- Health Economics
- Health and ageing
- Epigenetics in Understanding Society
- CNEF workshop – practical session
Thursday 13th July
- The role of interviewers in survey measurement
- Gender and parenting
- Living arrangements and relationships
- Wellbeing (ONS symposium) – 4 x 20 minutes
- Longitudinal survey participation
- Wellbeing and life satisfaction
- Parenting, employment and health
- Education
Visit the Conference website and register online here