Dr Gundi Knies is presenting Life satisfaction, ethnicity and neighbourhoods: Is there an effect of neighbourhood ethnic composition on life satisfaction? based on her research with Dr Alita Nandi and ISER Research Associate Professor Lucinda Platt from LSE and a second paper on Consent to data linkage: a focus on the interviewer respondent interaction based on her research with Dr Jonathan Burton.
Professor Nick Allum, ISER Research Associate, is presenting An Evaluation of the Effect of Mode-Switching in Panel Surveys Using Recall Data and Dr Emmanuela Sala, ISER Research Associate is presenting work with ISER’s Laura Fumagalli and Robert Lillini from Università di Milano Bicocca on What’s the Impact of Coverage Error to the Study of Social Inequalities?
“Last Year Your Answer Was …”: The Impact of Cognitive Effort, Life History, and Dependent Interviewing on Measures of Change is being presented by
Dr Tarek Al Baghal on work with ISER’s Vasiliki-Maria Agalioti-Sgompou and Dr Annette Jackle.
Professor Shamit Saggar will be presenting on Empirically measuring integration and cohesion.
The theme of this year’s congress is Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology
Raquel Sosa, ISA Vice-President, Congress Program said:
“An incredibly sensitive community of academics and professionals such as the International Sociological Association, aware of the social transformations taking place in the world, cannot and should not be absent from a debate on inequality.
The great tradition of multi, inter and transdisciplinary works in which the most complex problems of the present day world are addressed; its unique condition of being academically, scientifically, regionally, institutionally and organically plural make it ideally qualified to face the challenge of contributing to this international exchange, from which an intellectual and moral force can emerge in order to achieve drastic changes in the manners, forms of reasoning and scopes of the decisions to be taken in the world to ensure the preservation of human life and societies."