MISOC event: Immigration – new research on attitudes, experiences and economic impact

New research on immigration – what does it mean for us? What is the economic impact? How are social attitudes changing and what about the experiences of immigrants in the UK?

Leading academics in the field presented new research at our event Immigration: New Research on 6 March at the Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, London SE1. The day concluded with a panel discussion for policy makers, third sector organisations and think tanks, chaired by the journalist Yasmin Alibhai Brown with Tim Finch, Associate Director for Migration, IPPR; Ben Rogers, Director of Centre for London; and Philippe Legrain, journalist and commentator.

Organised jointly by the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-social change at the Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex and the Centre for Research and Analysis on Migration at University College London, this event discussed new evidence on migrants’ experiences and motivations, on the differences in European immigrants in the UK before and after the 2004 enlargement, the sources of anti-immigration attitudes in the UK and Europe, as well as the impact on labour markets and local economies.

Presentations are available to download below:-

Session 1: East-West Migration

European immigrants in the UK before and after 2004: Dr Simonetta Longhi, Institute for Social & Economic Research

Migration motivations and early intergration: the case of the Poles in Germany, the Netherlands, London and Dublin: Dr Renee Luthra, Institute for Social and Economic Research

Session 2: Impact of Migration

Assessing the impact of migration on the receiving country: Professor Christian Dustmann, UCL

Migration and productivity: Dr Cinzia Reinzo, National Institute for Economic and Social Research

Session 3: Attitudes toward Immigrants

A cohort analysis of attitudes to immigration and its effects: Professor Ian Preston, UCL

Public opinion on immigration: Has it changed since the Recession?: Professor Timothy, Hatton, University of Essex.

Photo credit: sludgeulper


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