Education, assortative mating and the duration to couple formation and first birth in Britain and Sweden
Assortative mating by education and postponement of couple formation and first birth in Britain and Sweden
Assortative mating by education and postponement of couple formation and first birth in Britain and Sweden
Employment choices and pay differences between nonstandard and standard work in Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden
Standard and nonstandard work arrangements in the Netherlands, Sweden, Britain and Germany: employment choices and wage differences (in Japanese)
Postponement (1) of maternitiy and the duration of time spent at home after first birth panel data analyses comparing Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden (2)
Women’s labor force transitions in connection with childbirth: a panel data comparison between Germany, Sweden and Great Britain -research paper-
Women’s labor force transitions in connection with childbirth: a panel data comparison between Germany, Sweden and Great Britain