Effect of same-sex marriage legalisation on the health of ethnic minority lesbian, gay and bisexual people: a quasi-experimental study
Long-term trends in mental health disparities across sexual orientations in the UK: a longitudinal analysis (2010–2021)
Family support modifies the effect of changes to same-sex marriage legislation on LGB mental health: evidence from a UK cohort study
Sleep problems among sexual minorities: a longitudinal study on the influence of the family of origin and chosen family
The impact of changes in job security on mental health across gender and family responsibility: evidence from the UK Household Longitudinal Study
Did the UK COVID-19 lockdown modify the influence of neighbourhood disorder on psychological distress? Evidence from a prospective cohort study
The effect of neighbourhood cohesion on mental health across sexual orientations: a longitudinal study
Does the longitudinal association between neighbourhood cohesion and mental health differ by ethnicity? Results from the UK Household Longitudinal Survey