New ISER research and policy insights shared with Department of Work and Pensions

The programme for the Eastern Arc’s forthcoming workshop with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is now available. It’s a great opportunity to hear from DWP and discuss their plans with them, but also to hear about the research going on in the area across Eastern Arc.

The event is free and open to anyone, within EARC or beyond.

The event will take the form of two half-day online workshops on 28 and 29 June 2021. Each day will open with an introduction to the DWP ARIs, and then a series of short (15 minute) research presentations given by academics and researchers from the three EARC universities. These will be followed by Q&As, before breaking out into parallel sessions when participants can discuss the research in more depth with individual speakers.

To register, click here.

Monday 28 June

10:00 Welcome – Phil Ward, Director of Eastern Arc

10:10 The development of the DWP working-age modelling and forecasting approach through the Covid period
Dr Dave Pankhurst, Working Age Model Development Lead, DWP Working Age Modelling & Forecasting Division

10:30 New maps of economic insecurity – Prof Matteo Richiardi, ISER, University of Essex

10:45 The added worker effect as a coping strategy for everyone? Transitions to activity of inactive ethnic minority women in the UK- Katrin Gasior, ISER PhD student, University of Essex

11:00 Q&A – Chair: Prof John Preston, Social Sciences Faculty Dean (Research), University of Essex

11:15 Break

11:25 Intrahousehold inequality and gender impacts of taxes and benefits: UK vs other European countries – Dr Silvia Avram and Dr Daria Popova, ISER, University of Essex

11:40 Falling behind? Eligibility for parental leave in the UK and EU27 – Dr Matthew Aldrich and Prof Sara Connolly, University of East Anglia

11:55 Q&A – Chair: Prof John Preston, Social Sciences Faculty Dean (Research), University of Essex

12:10 – 12:30 Breakout room discussions

12:10 Join the academic speakers for informal discussion and collaboration

12:30 End

Tuesday 29 June

10:00 Welcome – Phil Ward, Director of Eastern Arc

10:10 Overview from the DWP Central Analysis and Science Strategy Unit – Dr Tim Willis, Principal Research Officer, DWP Central Analysis and Science Directorate

10:30 – 12:10 Academic spotlight sessions

10:30 Workers’ access to and the outcomes of flexible working – Dr Heejung Chung, University of Kent

10:45 Hours and pay uncertainty in the UK – Dr Silvia Avram, ISER, University of Essex

11:00 Q&A – Chair: Phil Ward, Eastern Arc

11:15 Break

11:25 Developing a tool to guide cost-evaluation and implementation of workplace health and wellbeing practices – Prof Kevin Daniels, University of East Anglia

11:40 Investigating the role of debt advice on borrowers’ wellbeing: an encouragement study on a new sample of over-indebted people in Britain- Dr Laura Fumagalli, Prof Peter Lynn, ISER, and Dr Jair Muñoz-Bugarin, University of Essex

11:55 Q&A – Chair: Phil Ward, Eastern Arc

12:10 – 12:30 Breakout room discussions

12:10 Join the academic speakers for informal discussion and collaboration
12:30 End


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