Survey Futures: 3rd Survey Practice Forum – Changing Data Collection Modes
Tuesday 1 October 2024: 10am – 4.15pm UK Time (online meeting)
The focus of the day is on changing practice in the use of survey data collection modes. In the morning, three of the Survey Futures research strands will present emerging findings from their research into the implications of different aspects of changing practice. In the afternoon, three government survey programmes will present their experiences with changing modes for some or all components of surveys, followed by a session on Training and Capacity Building. To enable a thorough exchange of perspectives, plenty of time will be available for discussion and comment.
This is the full programme for the day:
10.00 Introduction
10.05-10.30 The post-pandemic role of face-to-face fieldworkers – DEBBIE COLLINS (NatCen)
10.30-10.45 Discussion
10.45-11.10 Quality implications of video interviewing – MATT BROWN (Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL), GABI DURRANT (University of Southampton), TIM HANSON (City, University of London), CAROLE SANCHEZ (UCL)
11.10-11.25 Discussion
11.25-11.40 Break
11.40-12.05 Developments in occupational coding in online self-completion surveys – LISA CALDERWOOD (Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL), MATT BROWN (Centre for Longitudinal Studies, UCL), SEBASTAIN KOCAR (Social Science Research, University of Queensland)
12.05-12.20 Discussion
12.20-13.00 Break
13.00-13.25 Methodological lessons from the Transformed Labour Force Survey – ORLAITH FRASER (ONS)
13.25-13.40 Discussion
13.40-14.05 Implementing a new push-to-web mixed-mode survey, the DCMS Participation Survey – PENNY GAUGHT-ALLEN (DCMS), JOEL WILLIAMS (Verian)
14.05-14.20 Discussion
14.20-14.35 Break
14.35-15.00 Digitising the diary component of the National Travel Survey – EVA AIZPURUA (NatCen), LISA EYERS (Head of the National Travel Survey, Department for Transport)
15.00-15.30 Discussion
15.30-16.15 Developing training and capacity in the survey sector: discussion of training priorities and current provision – DEBBIE COLLINS (NatCen), GABI DURRANT (University of Southampton)
Please register for the event here
The meeting will be held online – Zoom details will be sent later.