Director of the ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change at ISER, and Professor of Economics, Emilia Del Bono, has been awarded Fellowship to the Academy of Social Sciences.
Announcing the apppointment on Monday 4 March 2024, President of the Academy, Will Hutton, said: “At a time when the importance of the social sciences to addressing many pressing issues cannot be overstated, it’s a pleasure to welcome these 41 leading social scientists to the Academy’s Fellowship. Their contributions have furthered our understanding in tackling a wide range of societal challenges including mitigating health and economic inequalities, understanding the causes and effects of hate crime, the development of inclusive practices in education, and the future of cities. We look forward to working with them to further promote the vital role the social sciences play in all areas of our lives.”
Professor Emilia Del Bono said: “I feel both honoured and delighted to be elected to the Academy. I look forward to supporting and contributing to its fundamental work in the social sciences through impactful, innovative and informed research.”
“This award also reflects the collaborations with colleagues here at Essex and in other universities, who have worked with me to deliver key research focusing on the nature, causes, and consequences of disparities in children’s human capital that lead to inequalities later on in life.”
Read more about Professor Emilia Del Bono’s research here