Combining Biological and Social Data will take place at Broadway House in London on 6 December 2018 and will give researchers the opportunity to showcase current and ongoing work based on Understanding Society biomarker, genetics and epigenetics data. Work in progress is welcome and there will be plenty of opportunities during the conference for feedback and discussion.
Researchers from all disciplines are invited to submit relevant abstracts; work in progress is welcome with plenty of opportunities on the day for feedback and discussion. The call for abstracts is now open and closes at midnight (GMT) on Monday 1st October 2018. Abstracts will be reviewed by the conference organising committee and authors of successful submissions will be notified by mid-October 2018.
The call for abstracts is now open
Abstract submission guidelines
Abstracts must be based on analysis of the Understanding Society biomarker, genetics and epigenetics data.
Abstracts from all disciplines are welcomed.
Structured abstract must have a maximum of 250 words with the following headings: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
Abstract titles should not exceed 25 words and all authors’ affiliations (including emails) should be listed (not included in the abstract word count).
Abstracts based on ongoing analysis are welcome as long as the analysis is completed by the time of the conference so results can be presented.
Please spell out all acronyms the first time you used them.
Successful abstracts will be invited for oral presentations (20 minutes +10 minutes Q&A).
Researchers and students interested in attending the conference to learn of the most current research using Understanding Society biomarker, genetics and epigenetics data can register for free from 15 October 2018.
If you have further enquiries or wish to amend or withdraw an abstract, please contact Jay James.