Professor Mike Brewer will be speaking at a workshop jointly organised by ISER and the Institute for Fiscal Studies, funded by the Nuffield Foundation on 24 May 2017.
Getting people to stay in work and progress up the earnings ladder is an
aspiration of all political parties. As Universal Credit extends in-work
conditionality to more workers over the rest of this Parliament, the
Department for Work and Pensions will have a mechanism allowing it
directly to encourage, cajole or help workers to earn more. However,
most evidence is that returns to experience in low-skilled jobs are very
low, and there are as yet few proven policy interventions that help
workers progress in the labour market.
This half-day workshop will provide an opportunity to reflect on what has been learnt since the UK government started discussing in-work conditionality, and what remains a priority for research. The workshop will also hear new results from research funded by the Nuffield Foundation on how financial incentives can encourage job retention amongst lone parents.
Mike Brewer, University of Essex and Institute for Fiscal Studies: “A
look back at In Work Credit and ERA: can financial incentives encourage
retention?” -
David Finch, Resolution Foundation: “Supporting progression? Policy to
help boost pay”.
The event will be held under Chatham House rules, so that any views expressed cannot be attributed to individual participants. This, plus the fact that the event is designed to discuss research findings and evidence needs, means that civil servants should be able to attend and participate without breaking any purdah rules on political impartiality.
Please be aware that due to the constraints of the Nuffield Foundation’s listed Georgian building, we are unable to provide access or facilities for wheelchair users, nor facilities for people with severe hearing impairments. People with mobility needs should contact the Foundation for guidance in advance of visiting the building.
Reserve a place through the IFS booking form here